I’m an outdoorsy guy who enjoys getting into nature as much as possible and I try to get to new places whenever I can. Hiking is my most favourite activity. I love hanging out with friends and cracking jokes or checking out new activities. If you’d like to know me better just hit me.
Interessato/a a: Una ragazza
Di: 18 - 30
Scopo: Una relazione seria
  • cars
  • road trips
  • meeting friends
  • tennis
  • trekking
  • food
  • Dance
  • Active life
  • Romantic man
Appartamento (in affitto o di proprietà)
Non ho figli ma ne vorrei avere
Lingue: English
Fumo raramente
Bevo in compagnia
  • Vietnam
Altezza: 170 cm (5′7″)
Peso: 59 kg (130 lb)

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