Nicky Miller
, 37
Di Oakland
If you cannot sing "Let it go" while playing dress up at a pretend tea party with makeup on, then we might not be friends I'm a single mother of 2 kids. My dream is to get an RV and travel with my daughters rescuing animals and finding forever homes for them.
Interessato/a a: Un ragazzo
Di: 68 - 80
Scopo: Una relazione seria, Amicizia, Flirt e appuntamenti
  • people
  • emotions
  • Dubai
  • Flower
  • Gifts
  • Smiles
  • joking
Reddito medio e stabile
Appartamento (in affitto o di proprietà)
Ho figli, vivono con me
Lingue: English
Fumo raramente
Bevo in compagnia
  • Stati Uniti
Del Caucaso
Altezza: 162 cm (5′4″)
Peso: 121 kg (267 lb)

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