, 32
Di Waukesha
I wanna find a real man. Not looking for one night stands or anything like that. My name is Christina and I am very Mature and know what I want in my life and will always fight for what I want in my life. My life may have been hard and it still is but know is perfect and I just try to keep moving on with it. I suffer from PTSD and smoke weed to help me calm down with my anietxy and it helps. I preferably would like to date a man that is 420 friendly and likes to smoke weed as well cuz I hate smoking alone. I do get SSI for a living and will tell u why later on when we start to get to know each other better cuz I rather tell you in person to be honest with you.
Interessato/a a: Un ragazzo
Di: 31 - 40
Scopo: Una relazione seria, Amicizia, Flirt e appuntamenti
  • future
  • having fun
  • spring
  • evening walks
  • singing
  • sports
  • motorcycles
  • music
  • weapons
  • hunting
  • travelling
  • handiwork
  • self-education
  • decorating
  • clothes
  • army combat
  • arm wrestling
  • basketball
  • beach holidays
  • yachting
  • comedy films
  • country music
  • metalcore
  • metal
  • aquarium fish
  • Catholicism
Reddito medio-basso ma stabile
Vivo con un amico/amica
Niente figli
Lingue: English
Peso: 160 kg (353 lb)
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