, 33
From Al-Qurain
hai...I'm a pilipina woman....I'm a simple woman who's find a sincere and simple man here... hopefully I found it here..nice meeting you all here a good hearted man... that's never give up on me...I'm a simple woman who' find a simple man here those scammer people .. sorry but you can't get anything From me... that's why don't wasting your Time and effort to chatting on me...god bless us
Interested in: Guy
Age: 36 - 60
Goal: Long-term relationship
  • future
  • good company
  • having fun
  • evening walks
  • bicycle
  • air travel
  • mountaineering
  • hiking
  • beach holidays
  • international classic literature
  • blockbusters
  • detective films
  • aquarium fish
  • God
Stable average income
I live with my parents
I have children, we live together
Higher education
Languages: English
  • United States
Height: 174 cm (5′9″)
Weight: 73 kg (161 lb)
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