, 50
De Kota Kinabalu
Hello girl , nice to meet you girl . Please visit my profile after you msg me . Very sorry just waste your time few min for read it before you drop or like .I'm active online . I'm here looking for women and seriously chatting . I'm not gay please skip my profile . Because I love kid . Respect , seriously and honest women . And hope you can sharing together for us info . Please don't hiding I won't mad or hate just be real of yourself . Hope you give us a chance for gethering and give a chance for studying my English a bit poor please don't look down on me about English language , if about language poor you can skip on me , i don't judge about ugly or fat . At least good heart and be real of yourself . What is meaning of this never try never know how is the person , if look handsome sorry I'm not that type you looking for . I'm just normally person not handsome but I'm special in my heart . If I using wrong word please forgive me thanks and waste for your time to read my comment thanks to you so much . If you interesting on me please leave it down some word inbox please . Because some I can't view who visiting my profile and don't know who like me . I'm not VIP room sorry . One more thing I have to say please muslim women or ladies . I'm very sorry about that because I'm Christian and I believe is Buddhism sorry I'm not judge muslim people . Don't miss understanding .
É interessante: Mulher
Idade: 26 - 35
Meta: Relacionamento de longo prazo, Flertar e namorar
Sem rendimento estável
Moro com meus pais
Sem filhos, mas gostaria de ter filhos um dia
Escolaridade secundária
Idiomas: English, Bahasa Melayu, Chinese Simplified
Não fumo
Não bebo de todo
  • Federação Russa
  • Malaysia
Oriente médio
Altura: 170 cm (5′7″)
Peso: 71 kg (157 lb)
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