, 37
From Ohio City
I'm just giving it a try on here coz i'm crazy tired of staying single !!! I promise to make my one and only the most happiest man on earth if only he is willing to accept me as part of him. I will be there whenever he needs me and i promise never to do anything to hurt his feelings. I will love him just the way he is, being blind, disable, deaf or dumb or whatever category that he falls in. And what I have known and believed all this while is that Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while. I am ever willing to do anything to have my true love forever and sail to the end of the sea with him. I promise to be the lady of her dreams because I'm not going to let him down, I assure him my whole heart. I can't tell if that special person is you. I promise to always put that lovely smile on his face. True love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special. To know that you can feel what love really is; to know, to feel, to love."To love someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart and to trust one another, i promise to always do this with my man and i am one man Lady. I want all i need in only one man. I can see that you are willing and ready to get into relationship and i am happy you gave me this lovely chance to tell you a lot by reading my profile, i really appreciate that and i hope to always read from you after reading and understanding my profile...
Interested in: Guy
Age: 26 - 80
Goal: Long-term relationship
  • knowledge
  • massage
  • finance
  • beach volleyball
  • international classic literature
  • romantic films
  • rock
  • Siberian cats
  • prayer
Stable average income
I live with my parents
I have children, we live together
Higher education
Languages: English
I don't smoke
Social drinker
  • United States
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Weight: 60 kg (132 lb)
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