I wish I had someone to share it with. I miss someone I have yet to meet. I enjoy an uncomplicated life, loyal and fun friends and a loving and very functional (thank God!) family. I am caring, honest, trustworthy and intelligent. I am comfortable in my own skin and that seems to make people feel comfortable around me. I have a good sense of humor and a kind heart. I believe that patience and communication are some of my most valued characteristics. I am not afraid of expressing my feelings and encourage others to do the same. I love music (from classical to blues), movies (especially old ones), photography, art, history, literature, entertaining, cooking (following recipes, actually!), dining out, traveling. I am looking for a woman, not a girl. Someone who has a healthy dose of perseverance and ambition, yet someone fun, warm, versatile, somewhat adventurous, non-selfish, confident (but not cocky), with a very clear notion of integrity and family values. Someone that can enjoy a long visit to the museum, or some silly board game with friends, a fancy dinner as well as unpretentious breakfast. Someone who appreciates long conversations over a glass of wine, but can equally enjoy a quiet walk on the beach. Basically, someone who feels comfortable at "high-end" social occasions, as well as at "low end" casual hanging out in and tennis shoes. Yes, I am looking for that spark, however, I do believe that a friend-first relationship will ignite the spark at the right time. I am looking for that special person. And am definitely not into games.
재미있어요: 여성
나이: 26 - 40
목표: 장기 연애
자녀 없음
언어: English
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