♥ my quirky sense of humor. ♥ i try to brighten everyone’s day, even if i can’t brighten my own. ♥ knowing i make a difference in someone’s life everyday just by being alive. ♥ my pretty BROWN eyes, that sparkle when i’m happy. ♥ the fact that no matter what, someone out there loves me. ♥ i love with my whole heart. ♥ i give my all, with everything i do.(NOW) ♥ i struggle with many problems, but somehow someone always brings me up. ♥ im not perfect, in any way, shape or shade. ♥ i give FORGIVENESS and SECOND CHANCES because everyone makes mistakes, were human. ♥ make-up hides true beauty, you dont like what you see, i dont care. ♥ i accept people as they are, i dont care about looks, and neither should you. ♥ i love my pets unconditionally, as they do for me. ♥ i trust all the people in my life, if you break the trust, ill still forgive you. ♥ i like that i am only 5’3” ♥ i love reading. ♥ i like using big words that i know. ♥ my name is UNIQUE, like me. ♥ im up for anything new. ♥ i could live without materialistic things, as long as i have people who love me. ♥ i follow what is in my HEART (but not all that's in my HEART is right) ♥ im weak, but make a show to be strong. ♥ i may not talk a lot but when you get to know me ill always talk to you. ♥ i cry, because i know what it feels like to be HURT. ♥ if i need help, im not afraid to ask for it. ♥ i love to cuddle. ♥ i like that im not good at anything, but the fact is that i try it anyways. ♥ i hold in my feelings, until its too hard to take anymore just text or call me if you want us to be private: 09293971411
Je suis intéressé(e) par: Garçon
âge: 21 - 25
But: Relation durable, Pour l'amitié
Pas de revenu stable
Je vis avec mes parents
Pas d'enfants mais j'aimerais en avoir un jour
Langues: English
Je fume
Je bois en compagnie
Poids: 50 kg (110 lb)
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