Love can be full of doubt, but when I look around, I realize that being around you is the most beautiful life possible I want serious relationship and give me a real love (no playing games) follow me on Twitter Oulem Naej caballero
Je suis intéressé(e) par: Garçon
âge: 21 - 60
But: Relation durable, Pour l'amitié
  • singing
  • swimming
  • exercising
  • table tennis
  • international crime stories
  • adventure films
  • comedy films
  • horror films
  • alternative rock
  • country music
  • classical music
  • soft rock
  • Pop music
  • rhythm and blues
  • parrots
  • birds
  • dogs
  • Jesus
Faible revenu stable
Je vis avec mes parents
Éducation secondaire
Langues: English
Je ne fume pas
  • Arabie saoudite
Poids: 43 kg (95 lb)
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