, 35
De Thousand Oaks
how was everyone's day doing Happy New Year I would love to find someone who is open-minded and down-to-earth and likes to explore certain things in life and that's 420 friendly and Vapes and is very sexual like me and wouldn't mind exploring certain Kinks and what not with me and I'm also looking to be in a relationship with someone for more than a year
Je suis intéressé(e) par: Fille
âge: 26 - 30
But: Relation durable, Pour flirter et sortir
  • having fun
  • tasty food
  • road trips
  • friendship
  • clubs
  • smoking
  • love
  • making new friends
  • city nightlife
  • socialising
  • beer
  • swimming
  • shopping
  • movies
  • fashion
  • music
  • dancing
  • tattoos
  • war films
  • comedy films
  • psychological thrillers
  • horror films
  • erotic films
  • James Bond
  • dubstep
  • metalcore
  • metal
  • rap music
  • Christianity
  • Sex
Appartement séparé (loué ou propriétaire)
Pas d'enfants mais j'aimerais en avoir un jour
Enseignement supérieur
Langues: English
Je fume rarement
Je bois en compagnie
  • États-Unis
Quelques kilos en trop
Taille: 193 cm (6′4″)
Poids: 140 kg (309 lb)
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