I am looking for someone, with whom I can relax and cuddle up with. Someone who will make my heart skip a beat for years to come. I want someone to talk to and share good and bad moments of our common life. I have no special priority about the type of man I need. I just want to love and to be loved. Please, don't worry about years. Because I don’t care about the difference in age or traditions or whatever else. The only thing that matters is how old you feel yourself and what kind of person you are inside. And I hope, that your heart is open for me, cause I am also ready to open all pages of my life for you. Let us start?
Es interesante: Chico
Edad: 41 - 80
Objetivo: Relación de largo plazo
  • singing
  • sports
  • movies
  • sport
  • theatre
  • rowing
  • cycling
  • volleyball
  • table tennis
  • blues
  • country music
  • opera
  • rap
Sin ingresos estables
Apartamento separado (alquiler o propiedad)
No tengo hijos pero me gustaría tener un día
Educación universitaria
Idiomas: English
No fumo
No bebo nada de nada
  • Reino Unido
Nativo del cáucaso
Estatura: 163 cm (5′4″)
Peso: 50 kg (110 lb)
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