good morning mature woman only 19 to 27 I'm interested in meeting a woman to start a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship. A woman that will be mybest friend, confidant, companion, partner, ,mothther and the best lover in the world, a woman that is intelligent, playful, romantic, laughs alot, has good sense of humor, puts family first, a charmer,one who knows how to treat a man and make him melt.someone who thinks and does as much for me as i would them regardless of the means I'm looking for a woman who's open minded to have correspondence with , If I meet the right one we could possibly take our relationship to the sky, i'm a strong, smart, independent female with many goals and lots of drive.I love to have fun and need a real woman by my side to hold it down withg
Ist interessant: Frau
zwischen: 18 - 25
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen, Freundschaft
Stabiles Durchschnittseinkommen
Keinen dauerhaften Wohnsitz
Keine Kinder, aber ich will sie haben
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche nicht
  • Jamaika
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